01252 712830

Advanced Blemish Removal

Advanced Blemish Removal

Advanced Blemish Removal treatments using electrolysis are becoming more sought after as the benefits of this gentle, yet highly effective treatment are becoming better known.

Using this method, we can treat a wide range of skin blemishes easy and effectively with minimal reaction, downtime and post-treatment care, thereby offering you a safe and proven route to improved skin.

The treatment itself is minimally invasive, highly effective and without too much aftercare. Results are often instantaneous and life-enhancing, so don’t let your blemish control you, book now for a consultation.

Examples of treatable skin conditions:

Warts and Verrucae

Thread Veins
These are permanently dilated capillaries that can be caused by a variety of factors such as ageing, pregnancy, hereditary, hormonal, sun damage or even trauma to the skin. They are constantly dilated and give the appearance of redness on the skin.

Blood Spots or Cherry Angioma
These are bright red, superficial and circular vascular blemishes on the skin. They are often dome shaped or slightly raised and frequently found on the midriff.

Spider Naevus 
A Spider Naevus consists of a central dilated blood vessel with smaller capillaries radiating out from it like the legs of a spider. They can be found in isolation or in a cluster together such as on the cheeks.

Skin Tags
Skin tags are mainly found in areas of friction such as the underarm, groin, under breasts or around the neck where collars and necklaces irritate. They often appear with a stalk attachment and vary in size from smaller than a grain or rice to larger than a pea.

Moles and Hairs in Moles
Moles and hairs in moles can be treated once your GP has signed your consent form and approved it for our insurance purposes. It is important to bear in mind that once your treatment has started that your mole may even reduce in size and colour. Hairs in moles are generally deep hairs and with a rich blood supply that may require repeat treatments.

We have a variety of aftercare products to complement your treatments that are specially formulated for their soothing or anti-microbial properties. You will be advised of recommended aftercare during your treatment.

Advanced Blemish Removal

This booking will include a consultation prior to the treatment.


Advanced Blemish Removal

This booking will include a consultation prior to the treatment.


Milia Removal

Milia are tiny, white, hard, round spots which lie superficially under the skin and contain keratin. The cause is unknown but they are often associated with dry, dehydrated skin and appear on the face.
